Looking for a Vape Shop in Asheville?

Award-winning vape shop in Woodfin. Interior.

Discover why many have made Asheville Vapor their local vape shop.

Looking for a new vape shop near Asheville? Look no further than our award-winning Merrimon Ave. location. If you’re in Asheville, come out to Merrimon Ave. and we’re right next to Comic Envy and Del Vecchios.

We carry starter kits and mods from companies like Geek Vape, Lost Vape, UWell, Smok and Voopoo. With over 90 different flavors we’re sure that you will find something that you will love! Especially with our brand new tasting bar.

If you’re looking for Delta-8 or CBD products. We have a large inventory of locally made products, from companies like: Bhumi, Astria Farm, Potent Goat and 3CHI.

But if you’re just looking for a disposable, we carry disposables from: Elfbar, Hyde, Luff Bar and Biff Bar. We even have a selection of zero nicotine disposables!

Where are we located?

Give us a call or stop by today.

333 Merrimon Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801

(828) 367 – 3333